Making a website using Jhipster
By Greenjam94
Who likes Angular? A JS library that is all about load a page once and get a dynamic website. Who likes Node JS? A server written in javascript. Who likes scripts that write code for you? Hello Yeoman!
The first time I used Jhpister was for a innovation project that maps out the office seating. This is a great internal tool since we have an entire floor of developers and finding the third “John Smith” is kind of annoying. So our office mapper was born.
Here’s the fun part. It’s got all the fun stuff built in and most of the “hard stuff” is auto-generated. Bower components, Yeoman automation, Grunt tasks, Node configurations, and Angular for the backbone of the front end. The best part? No fiddling with the file structure or anything. One terminal command and it’s all set up for you. Just say “yo hipster”.
This project was a great learning experience, it was the first actual project where I had to use Angular attributes outside of classes. I learned the basics about Grunt, Node and Yeoman, and all the tools added to jHipster. Our website actually won the “improve our company” category of a innovation challenge which was a lot of fun.