jwgoerlich's PCI talk at #misec
By Greenjam94
First meeting at #MiSec and I missed it! Right as I was about to leave, there was a knock at my door. Impromptu Comcast employees trying to save us a couple hundred dollars. Of course by the time they were done installing free cable, it was already 7:05 and it would take 30 minutes to drive to the meeting… So I watched the live stream on youtube and wrote comments on IRC.
Besides the hilarious chat and twitter jokes, J’s talk was really informative. While it was high level (which is great for a n00b like me), it left me with a lot on my mind about things to expand into. Some notes that I took away was.
- “Old man my ass” The old ways of hacking are still relevant. For Example, applying old phone porting techniques can get you someone else’s apple pay wallet.
- Bluetooth is insecure. Mess with it early since stores will be adopting it for purchasing and such
- So what if someone steals your credit card? Smart card holders will review often and will report bad charges (maybe cancel the card)
- @taco_pirate will p0wn @jwgoerlich by the end of the week.