Irongeek's Videos
By Greenjam94
If you’re interested in hacking, information security or even the word cyber. Then you probably are scanning the the internet for things to learn. I want to get as much information as possible, and cons are a great way to listen to some awesome presenters. But how am I going to listen to every talk when there’s three going on at the same time? And on top of that, isn’t cons about networking and connecting with others as well? When will I be able to do that when I’m listening to a cool talk?
Luckily for you and me both, Adrian Crenshaw is here to save the day. Adrian, aka @irongeek_adc is an AV master at cons, he hosts thousands of videos on his website where he showcases videos from cons. There are years of content. I’ve played a video in the background at work constantly for the last month and still have a good chunk of videos left.
Recording at GrrCon
Most of the talks at GrrCon were recorded by Adrian’s group and later hosted on his site. This makes those questions from earlier a lot clearer, you should go to the talks that you just can’t miss out on and catch the rest online. If you strike up a conversation with someone outside of a talk or in the lobby, it’s ok to stay and chat. That talk you just missed will be online tomorrow, and that chat could lead you to something better.
So go to cons, have fun at them (still go to talks), but do not forget that they are posted online. Not to mention it’s not just videos from a single con. There are videos from as far back as 2002. So take a look, see what you find and enjoy.
Thanks Irongeek
Thanks to Adrian for hosting all of these videos! (and letting me write this blog post!) As a volunteer, I was only able to see about five talks in all of GrrCON. Now that almost everything is on (except for those presenters who chose not to be recorded) I’m mostly caught up with the GrrCon series. If you’re not already, you should follow @irongeek_adc on Twitter and checkout his website at