Installing Kali and Metasploitable on VirtualBox
By Greenjam94
Have you ever wanted to be a 1337 hacker like you see in the movies? Metasploit automates some of the harder tasks related to penetration testing. This blog post is a quick setup to install two virtual machines that will allow you to explore how to use Metasploit.
Step 1: Get files needed to create the VMs
- Download VirtualBox
- Download Kali for VirtualBox
- Clone Metasploitable2
Step 2: Setup Kali
Open VirtualBox, click File > Import Appliance. Choose the kali.ova file that you downloaded from the link above. Click continue to review the VM settings. Hit import, none of the settings should require changing. The import will take a few minutes to complete depending on your machine.
If the VM fails to start after import, read the details of the failure. If it’s related to USB emulation then change the settings. Open the VM settings by right clicking the VM. Click settings. Find the ports tab and click USB. Change the emulation from 2.0 to 1.1 and everything will be good to go.
The default credentials for Kali 2017.1 are root:toor to log in. To use Metasploit for the first time there’s some setup required.
Using terminal:
- start a postgres database by running
service postgressql start
- Initalize the database by running
msfdb init
- Open Metasploit CLI by running
Step 3: Setup Metasploitable2
We will need to create a linux machine and use the virtual hard drive from the .zip folder that was downloaded earlier. First step is to unzip the folder and find the Metasploitable.vmdk file.
Next go to VirtualBox and create a new 64bit ubuntu machine. Name it whatever you’ll remember. I used Metasploitable2. Click continue once everything looks correct.
Change the memory size to at least 512mb and click next. There select “Use existing hard drive” and select the .vmdk file we found earlier. Last step is to click create.
Start the box and confirm everything is working as expected. The default credentials are msfadmin:msfadmin. Type ifconfig
to see what the boxes IP address is. This will come in handy when trying to scan for the machine from Kali. My machine has an IP address of
Revision: You don’t need to use the admin credentials to figure this out. In fact, I’d now recommend spending time learning how to scan or map a network using tools in Kali to find the IP. The msfadmin credentials should only be used to setup the machine or troubleshoot it.
Step 4: Double check networking
Metasploitable is one of those VMs that are intentionally vulnerable for you to attack. To ensure that no one else attacks your box, make sure it can’t access the internet by confirming in VirtualBox that the network type is set to NAT.
Host-Only would work if we weren’t using another VM to use Metasploit. This is still an option if you want to install Metasploit on your base host.
Step 5: Attack
Now play around with Metasploit! Get on Kali, ping the Metasploitable2 machine to make sure it’s in reach. Run msfconsole for a CLI interface or open armitage for a GUI. A lot of walkthroughs are online that can be a good place to start playing with Metasploit.
More info
For more information on how to use Metasploit, check out Offensive Security’s free course.
Look for some articles such as the series from null-byte.
Read a book about it, buy now from No Starch Press.
My motive for posting this is to record my notes used at a lightning talk I gave at #misec in July of 2017.